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DO467 "Managing Enterprise Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform" released

Red Hat Training just released a new course, Managing Enterprise Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform (DO467), that teaches you how to manage and leverage automation at large enterprises and organizations in a scalable manner. You will learn how key technologies provided by Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2 can help maximize the value of Ansible automation, including automation controller, automation mesh, and automation hub. This advanced level course teaches topics critical to successful adoption of Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2 at scale.

This course is the third offering in the Linux Automation track, which starts with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Automation with Ansible (RH294) and builds upon Developing Advanced Automation with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform (DO374).

We use Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.2 and RHEL 8.6 in the classroom environment, and the course is live in Red Hat Online Learning and the Red Hat Learning Subscription.  It lists the DO374 course as a prerequisite, mainly to make sure that you're already familiar with some of the new concepts in Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2 like automation execution environments, how users will use automation controller and private automation hub, and the increased importance of Ansible Content Collections.

4 Replies
Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

Saw this course and very keen to take EX467 as I still have an exam voucher left and I have been automating cloud workloads using AAP2.2.

Is there a plan to make this to be a path towards RHCA?

Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

Hi Feliz

exam start with 4  are Architect Level Exams and for sure they are in the path of RHCA , Infact every Cerificate of Experrise (COE) counts torwards RHCA.


I've been watching the videos for the DO467 class but some of them do not register as being watched. Therefore my progress only shows partically complete. Therefore I can never get to 100%.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @cferby
Please log a support case so that our backend team can check and help you.
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