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Baremetal provisioning with Metal3 ironic - lookup error

Hi, We deployed metal3 ironic and baremetal operator on a dual stack openshift cluster to provision baremetal servers. After creating the baremetalhost on cluster, the intial pxe booting on the baremetal server started, but we are facing error when IPA is trying to reach back ironic's endpoint from baremetal server. This is the error:

ironic-outhon-agent(2248]:2024-04-11 02:48:01.899 2248 ERROR ironic-outhon-agent requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host="', port=6385) : Max retries exceeded with url: /vl/continue_inspection (Caused by NewconnectionError(•<urllib3.conection.HTTPConnection object at. 0x7d17ale6bbm›: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno1011 'ENETTINREACH'>)

We think there is an issue with the dhcp server not assigning an ip to the baremetal server, but not sure. How can we proceed further to debug this.

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