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No results but "you are eliglable for a reschedule" after attending an exam

On Thuersday, December 15th, I had an Exam EX288 via remote.

It was scheduled for 14:30 UTC.

I did the compatibility check early the day and repeated it about an hour before the scheduled exam to be sure.

At about 14:15, I accessed the exam, did the questionaire prior to the exam and talked to my proctor, did the initial room scan and wanted to start.

My proctor asked me to wait for another 5 minutes as the exam environment was not ready yet. I waited.

After that 5 minutes the proctor said, it will take another 15 minutes, I was fine with that as well, and I waited again.

After that the proctor again said, that there are problems, and it will take 65 Minutes to rebuild the environment from scratch and offered to take a break. I used the break to organise things that needed to be organized du to the delay.

After going back and forth with the proctor they asked me if I want to reschedule as the technical support preparing the environment said, it was better, just to be sure…

So another 5 minutes passed as I had to organize some pen and paper to write down the URL the proctor gave me to request the reschedule.

After I confirmed that I have written down the URL and asked whether or not I can exit the booted exam system to actually visit the URL, they asked me to wait another 15 minutes as support wanted to check something. So I agreed and waited.

After that 15 minutes proctor told me that technical support is proficient to be able to successfully create the exam environment within the next 30 minutes, if I still want to attend or reschedule anyway.

I decided to attend and waited for another 30 minutes, when the exam indeed started, with an overal delay of approximately 90 minutes.

I did the exam and I am very sure that I passed it, as at the end all services were running as asked and providing responses as asked. It probably isn't a score of 300, but the 210 are cracked for sure.

Seeing times between 15 minutes and 6 hours for a result email from prior experience and reports of my coworkers, I went home and waited for the email with the results.

After ~36 hours I got an email saying that "[my] eligibility can be rescheduled!".

No comment or explanation about why the reschedule is possible, nor result either.

I forwarded this to my team lead, who wrote an email to the german support asking for clarrification.

The ticket that has been opened as a result of his email was closed without any comment or reply, neither me, my lead or my employers central inbox received any information about results or status.

After that we tried calling the german service, though it seems that they have an early end of day and after 16:00 (local time) no one answers calls anymore.

Also I am waiting for a livechat with the support for about 90 minutes now.

As all support channels seem to ignore us, we ask for help here.



I canceled waiting for the live chat support after 2 hours of waiting, as now my day is over, and I leave the office. We'll see tomorrow how it continues…

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