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NEW COURSE AVAILABLE: Developing Application Business Rules with Red Hat Decision Manager (AD364)


Developing Application Business Rules with Red Hat Decision Manager (AD364)

Red Hat Training is proud to announce the release of Developing Application Business Rules with Red Hat Decision Manager (AD364). Red Hat Decision Manager is an open source business automation platform that facilitates business policy and rules development, access, and management. By automating, adapting, and redesigning business rules, organizations can modernize their portfolio, empower employees, engage customers, and innovate their products. Decision Manager includes a fast and highly efficient rules automation engine with easy-to-use development tools that is ideal for organizations seeking to undergo a digital transformation.

This course teaches application and rules developers the core skills needed to implement and manage business rules within their enterprise applications using Red Hat Decision Manager 7.9.  Students will learn how to author, test, and optimize business rules, implement Complex Event Processing (CEP), and execute rules using both Drools Rule Language (DRL), and Decision Model Notation (DMN).



We would like to thank all of the team members that contributed to the success of this course. Thank you to Marek Czernek, Ravi Srinivasan, Mike Yarbrough, Anton Giertli, Karina Varela, and Zach Gutterman for their technical expertise and hard work to create this course. Thank you to our wonderful content services group including Dave Sacco, Sam Ffrench, Heider Souza, and Sajith Eyamkuzhy Sugathan. Thank you Chetan Tiwary for providing QA testing. Thank you to Richard Allred for building and supporting the classroom environment.