I have a problem launching the 3 pods for the webconfig deployment. I'm logged into the RHPCP platform with a developer login on the administrator dashboard.
I tried to delete project and create again but no results.
regarding to the procedure we have to be developer.
I created a deployment in the storage-configs project according to the procedure, but at point "1.3 Select the Create button. Verify the successful deployment of three pods," there is a problem.
The issue is imagepullbackoff - some problem with authorization and pulling the image from the registry.
thank you
This can be a common problem nad issue that you get in real-world scenarios. The imagepullbackoff is quite common and generally easy to fix. The main things you might want to check are ...
The most likely culprit when i have delivered this course is there is a typo on the line specifying the image, but the three (3) things listed above are the most common things that will cause this error.
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