Hello All
Happy to report got RH certified Specialist on Containers after going through the DO188 course on first attempt.
Read the questions carefully and answer them accordingly. I believe the DO188 course covers the exam objectives. Review the objectives for the exam on the exam detail page and make sure you are familiar with those objectives.
Good luck everyone.
There are lots of YAML things to remember. Luckily there are some OC commands that can help you with getting the "skeleton" or sample YAML files. The GUI can also show you the resources too.
There are several posts here on RHLC showing things like oc explain and oc describe and how you can leverage that information as triggers for the exam and formatting your YAML files.
There are examples everywhere in the community like here: https://learn.redhat.com/t5/Containers-DevOps-OpenShift/Failed-2-times-on-EX380/td-p/25388/page/2
=========== Excerpt of some examples =============
1. I use this command to search for specs, it's way more efficient than looking through the documentation PDFs or minimalistic UI YAML templates:
$ oc explain <something> --recursive
2. An OpenShift cluster contains resources, which can be used as examples in the tasks:
$ oc get <something> -A
$ oc get <something> -n <project name> -o yaml > example.yaml
3. Use "yaml-lint" to validate YAML files and "jq" for JSON files.
4. Hardcode this .vimrc string into your memory and use it whenever you edit YAML:
autocmd FileType yaml setlocal ai ts=2 sw=2 et cuc
5. Vim has ":retab" command, which replaces tabs with spaces. Tabs may appear when you copy/paste YAML code from the documentation. Close and re-open your yaml file, execute ":retab", close and re-open again.
======== End Excerpt of post ==========
Lots of other discussions similar to the above for help with YAML, so that should get you started.
Hello @IBM-Murali !
Many congratulations on your EX188 certification !
Highly recommend you to explore other courses for next certifications like DO280 / DO288 based on your OpenShift skill path choice.
Please let us know if you need any help or any info on the same.
Hello @Chetan_Tiwary_
Thank you. I did complete the DO280 course online and took the exam EX280. Unfortunately I did not pass. There seems to be a big config mistake that I made (not sure what) which showed 0% for most of the tasks. May be I logged in as kubeadmin user but should have logged in as some body else I don't know.
Also the material covers a vast area and found difficult to remember the yaml file syntaxes/ pv/ pvc setups etc etc. Hope to retake the exam again after hearing from Red Hat.
There are lots of YAML things to remember. Luckily there are some OC commands that can help you with getting the "skeleton" or sample YAML files. The GUI can also show you the resources too.
There are several posts here on RHLC showing things like oc explain and oc describe and how you can leverage that information as triggers for the exam and formatting your YAML files.
There are examples everywhere in the community like here: https://learn.redhat.com/t5/Containers-DevOps-OpenShift/Failed-2-times-on-EX380/td-p/25388/page/2
=========== Excerpt of some examples =============
1. I use this command to search for specs, it's way more efficient than looking through the documentation PDFs or minimalistic UI YAML templates:
$ oc explain <something> --recursive
2. An OpenShift cluster contains resources, which can be used as examples in the tasks:
$ oc get <something> -A
$ oc get <something> -n <project name> -o yaml > example.yaml
3. Use "yaml-lint" to validate YAML files and "jq" for JSON files.
4. Hardcode this .vimrc string into your memory and use it whenever you edit YAML:
autocmd FileType yaml setlocal ai ts=2 sw=2 et cuc
5. Vim has ":retab" command, which replaces tabs with spaces. Tabs may appear when you copy/paste YAML code from the documentation. Close and re-open your yaml file, execute ":retab", close and re-open again.
======== End Excerpt of post ==========
Lots of other discussions similar to the above for help with YAML, so that should get you started.
Thanks @Travis for the insights !
congrats. my exam is tomorrow. i hope i pass. Are the labs in DO188 enough to pass?
@IBM-Murali Many congratulations!!
@hady_helayel All the very best!!
Hello @hady_helayel ! Yes the labs in DO188 are a very good reference for EX188 ! Remember - practice is the key !
All the best !
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