Since yesterday everytime I try to run a lab I get stuck in this phase:
It continues verifying the cluster state forever and never starts tha lab.
I already deleted and started the lab 4 times.
@jmorais Thanks for reaching out.
The cluster seem to still coming up.
Please check the cluster status by running the following command from workstation ssh lab@utility "./" and once looks ok then try the lab script it should be good.
I took me some time to find this. Very helpful. Maybe something to put into a troubleshooting section somewhere?
running ./
gives me the following
API is up
Cluster version is 4.14.0
Router is up
waiting for authentection it entre a loop printing this waiting for authentection can you help me please ?
i tried to delete and recreate and it gives me the same result
@Ahmedemad1 please wait till this script is finished on its own. The OCP cluster generally takes 20 mins or so to get ready with all its components. Do not enter anything or do any lab steps unless this script execution is completed.
Once it is finished, you can continue onto the workstation with the lab steps.
is there a problem with redhat learning subscription portal i can't login to preview my courses ?
i get this msg also
I tried to access this morning and I am getting this message too.
I've seen this error message on many labs over the last year; RH199, RH294 and now DO188. Try refreshing the browser session or waiting a few minutes and it is usually OK.
We're not seeing anything on our side. Is everyone able to access now?
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