Hello all,
i’m having some issues with the boot of the Remote Exam Live ISO.
During the preparation for the Remote Exam for ROL Course DO288, i tried to boot my Laptop using the Remote Exam Live ISO. I'm following the docs available here: https://www.redhat.com/en/resources/remote-exams-preparation-ebook.
Downloaded https://static.redhat.com/downloads/training-certification/rhrexboot.iso and written it to USB Stick by using the dd utility.
The boot process is starting until the screen "environment is loading into memory" appears, it counts up to 100% and then nothing more is happening.
I tried different USB-Stick, always the same result.
For tests, i also used the rhrexboot-2020-08.iso Image, which i found as reference in an redhat Issue description, this one is working for me. Boot is without error, and the hardware compatibility checks are successful.
I plan to do the exam soon, thanks to advice how to proceed. I only have one Laptop available for the training/exam, it's a Lenovo Thinkpad P50.
I don't remember where I saw it, but it has been hinted that Ryzen CPUs don't play nicely with the Red Hat exam ISO. The official PDF does not mention any such problems -> https://www.redhat.com/rhdc/managed-files/tr-remote-exams-preparation-ebook-f27382-202103-en_2.pdf
Hi Guys,
So far my exam is rescheduled twice. I am having issue with external camera detection. After sharing the screen, only internal camera is detected. There is option at the top i think to select camera but on clicking it permission window flickers and doesn't allow me to select anything. For me the latest ISO doesn't work at all. Whenever I load latest ISO in memory after that my mouse keeps on flickering and doesn't allow me to select anything. So I used another ISO listes in this thread which brings me to compliance test but then I am unable to swithc camera. Any suggessions ? I don;t understand why the window keeps on flickering when I try to change webcam.
Unfortunately, it really sounds like you're going to need to try a different setup.
For me, I also needed a different webcam! I own a pricy Razer cam for streaming, which does not work with the exam setup. So I needed to spend €20 on a cheap Logitech, which worked perfectly.
First I couldn't create a bootable USB using Fedora Media Writer. Then I did it using dd method, on my Dell laptop it loads everything into memory and then drops a kernel panic message, something about VFS.
Is there still a valid older image that can be used for the exams?
There is, yes, it's been linked to in this thread multiple times. Look for "2020-08".
I used the older "2020-08" ISO last night, to pass my EX188.
Thank you. Tried the usb drive on my home PC, the same error. Best I leave a pic just in case someone else runs into the same problem.
I will first try to download the image again and put it onto a new flash drive, but if it's the same story again, I will have to try the older image and hope for the best.
I am also tired of ISO. the old or the latest doesn't work at all on Dell inspiron.
I really don;t know what to do.
@enthuguy it is recommended to use the latest iso, instead some specific old version.
Always up-to-date link is available in the official remote exam instructions pdf.
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