I'm working through the DO180 online training and I'm now stuck on the ch04s04 lab. When I attempt to run podman build it looks like the context path is being duplicated, which is causing podman to fail to find the DockerFile. I've followed the instructions multiple times, closed and reopened the terminal, and gone as far as restarting the workstation. Has anyone run into this? My output looks like the following:
[student@workstation dockerfile-create]$ sudo podman build --layers=false -t do180/apache .
error reading "/home/student/DO180/labs/dockerfile-create/home/student/DO180/labs/dockerfile-create/DockerFile": open /home/student/DO180/labs/dockerfile-create//home/student/DO180/labs/dockerfile-create/DockerFile: no such file or directory
Try without sudo
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