The default user profile for my RHEL 9.3 VM has somehow changed from 'username@hostname' to bash-5.1$. It appears that the home directory is missing due the .bashrc profile not being present. Does anyone has any advice on how the resolve this?
I should also add that I cannot seem to either create or edit the .bashrc file. When I type in 'whoami', the output is the default username
have you deleted your home directory? what is the "default" user? (there no such thing of default user, besides root, on a RHEL installation).
In any case, you can see what files would be directly copied into a new user's home directory by browsing /etc/skel :
ls -lha /etc/skel
And copy the missing files into your user's $HOME directory as required. Once copied, ensure you change the ownership of the files to your user as well.
When I refer to the default user, I am talking about the user I created as part of the initial configuration and installation of the VM.
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