This thread is dedicated to connect you with Red Hat subject matter experts who can help answer your questions regarding Red Hat remote exams. Please see the following resources for Red Hat Remote Exams below:
For questions on scheduling or redeeming your exams, please use the Red Hat Certification team comment form here.
**Our subject matters experts in the Red Hat Learning Community will not be assisting with tasks related to scheduling exams.
I am trying to download Fedora Media writer for windows and its not showing me according to exam PDF its not downloading exe file please help
Hi, @Unknown121
According to the download link for the latest version of "Fedora Media Writer" for Microsoft Windows is
Also, according to what @PetrCihlar (a Moderator here in the "Red Hat Learning Community") wrote in " (...) Users can download any other 3rd party app to create Remote exam USB stick, such as RUFUS, etc. (...)"
I hope this helps!
Yes, the link does not work, you may follow the link and use alternative ways. Thank you for reporting it
Please somebody help with fedora media writer
tldr command is allowed to use while RHCSA Exam
I booked the ex294 (remote) exam for tomorrow. I wanted to know if it is possible to use the graphical mode of the environment or if the exam is entirely in CLI mode.
I guess it is up to you how you complete the task using the given possibilities. Dont expect here to find out more exam content-related information
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