IMHO I managed to complete all the review lab steps correctly, lab grade reports 3 failed steps.
$ lab grade template-review
Grading lab.
SUCCESS Checking lab systems
PASS Confirming that the mariadb-server template exists
PASS Checking the defined boot source and size in the mariadb-server template
PASS Confirming that the web-server template exists
PASS Checking the defined boot source and size in the web-server template
PASS Confirming that mariadb-server-vm exists
FAIL Confirm that dbadmin user is set on mariadb-server-vm
- 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get' Please work through the lab instructions.
PASS Confirming that web-server-vm exists
FAIL Confirm that webadmin user is set on web-server-vm
- 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get' Please work through the lab instructions.
FAIL Confirming that the web-server-vm has a tmpdata disk
- The tmpdata volume was not found in the VM's manifest Please work through the lab instructions.
Overall lab grade: FAIL
Confused as I'm able to login with dbadmin/redhatocp to mariadb-server-vm, same for webadmin/redhatcocp on web-server-vm, why are these two are marked as FAIL? Heck they even showup correctly on VM console tab when you expose user/password.
Per third failure, well the web-server-vm does indeed include an extra tmpdata 5GIB disk I see it under lsblk, but the yaml disk rename step was requested for rootdisk only, they didn't ask that change on the second disk.
Another point the requested storage class "Attach an additional 5 GiB disk named tmpdata, which uses the ocs-external-storagecluster-ceph-rbd-.... However on the video at 7:11 the instructor says we were asked to use, and he uses, ocs-extrenal-storagecluster-cephfs, why do we have this incosistency? The video uses checpfs/"filesystem" while text solution use ocs-external-storagecluster-ceph-rbd-virtualization/block, which is correct?
The third fail, checking grade code expetcs a pvc called tmpdata, my PVC used another name, but again maybe I missed something implied that we have to set the PVC name.
"label": "Confirming that the web-server-vm has a tmpdata disk",
"task": self._grade_vm_disk,
"name": "web-server-vm",
"pvc_name": "tmpdata",
"fatal": False,
"grading": True,
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