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Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

ex200 exam failure

Hi All,
I'm writing this post to share my experience and hopefully to get
some advice for the future, so I've tried ex200 v9 and I was quite sure
that I would have passed it , but I failed scoring 200 marks and getting
the following % accross the areas/domains 

Manage basic networking: 100%
Understand and use essential tools: 78%
Operate running systems: 17%
Configure local storage: 25%
Create and configure file systems: 50%
Deploy, configure and maintain systems: 50%
Manage users and groups: 100%
Manage security: 100%
Manage containers: 67%

I'm very surprised about the 17% on "Operate running systems"
and 25% on "Configure local storage" , according to the official page 
the tasks for those activities are : 

Operate running systems

  • Boot, reboot, and shut down a system normally
  • Boot systems into different targets manually
  • Interrupt the boot process in order to gain access to a system
  • Identify CPU/memory intensive processes and kill processes
  • Adjust process scheduling
  • Manage tuning profiles
  • Locate and interpret system log files and journals
  • Preserve system journals
  • Start, stop, and check the status of network services
  • Securely transfer files between systems

Configure local storage

  • List, create, delete partitions on MBR and GPT disks
  • Create and remove physical volumes
  • Assign physical volumes to volume groups
  • Create and delete logical volumes
  • Configure systems to mount file systems at boot by universally unique ID (UUID) or label
  • Add new partitions and logical volumes, and swap to a system non-destructively

I am 100% sure atha I've found some of the tasks (access t oa node without knowing password),
use tuned-adm , create swap/lvm etc and I've rebooted both nodes multipel times to be sure that everything was working, but still I failed,

So I would like to ask the community if there is any advice.

Thanks a lot



PS: I already opened a ticket to ask information using the link in the grading email,
       but I'm still waiting for a response

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6 Replies
Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

> "So I would like to ask the community if there is any advice."

Your situation comes up on these forums at least once or twice a week. 

You can check older threads, for what others said back then. But basically the conclusions are: 

  1. You most likely didn't follow the instructions/task to the letter.
  2. Email the exam team to request a review of your scoring. 

The second option is not always guaranteed to help, but it did for me a few years ago when they found EX413 had a broken scoring script.

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Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

Thanks Tess,
I thought that I could get soem more advice , but your points are pretty clear

when you write taht I should email the exam team , are you referring to the 
online form available with the exam scoring email  ?

have a nice one



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Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

I am in the same situation. and I consumed both my voucher and retake... I hope they will cooperate and they will watch the exam recording and see exactly that the nodes were restarted like everytime after I edited the fstab file and I also used the mount -av command just to be sure I will not have any surprises when the node2 will reboot.



you will receive an email from 1st level which will inform you that the issue will be escaleted to 2nd level and after that you will receive the same copy like below ( 2 exams, 2 Tickets >> same email with exactly same words. I think is a standard text or something).

"I am sorry that your recent examination results did not meet with your
expectations. At your request I reviewed the results of your exam.
Unfortunately, I have found that the results reported to you are

At the end of the exam, prior to being graded, all candidate systems are rebooted.
Unfortunately one of your exam system did not reboot to a usable state and could
not be graded.

Redhat cannot provide any further details about the exam as its against NDA."



Passing score:          210

Your score:             200

Result: NO PASS

Performance on exam objectives:

               OBJECTIVE: SCORE

               Manage basic networking: 100%

               Understand and use essential tools: 80%

               Operate running systems: 17%

               Configure local storage: 0%

               Create and configure file systems: 25%

               Deploy, configure and maintain systems: 43%

               Manage users and groups: 100%

               Manage security: 100%

               Manage containers: 100%




Passing score:          210

Your score:             171

Result: NO PASS

Performance on exam objectives:

               OBJECTIVE: SCORE

               Manage basic networking: 100%

               Understand and use essential tools: 78%

               Operate running systems: 17%

               Configure local storage: 0%

               Create and configure file systems: 25%

               Deploy, configure and maintain systems: 25%

               Manage users and groups: 100%

               Manage security: 100%

               Manage containers: 67%

Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

Hello cserban,
I actually received the eamil from 1st level , and I'm waiting for the reply from 2nd level,
my personal opinion is that adding some description to the % would help both the "students" and the exam team people that needs to explain the same things multiple times.

I've created this post just because before trying the exam again, I would like to fully understand what errors I've made, study better the topic if needed and avoid the same error
not just in the exam , but mainly on the systems that I'll have to manage.

have a nice one


This is definitely a tough exam. I recently took it, and I felt like I nailed all the different aspects of the exam. There must be some nuance I am missing, because I can do all the training labs in my sleep.

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Flight Engineer Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer


To clear any RH exam, you MUST keep practice and experiment the labs with your own custom exercises, especially with EX200. I did it several years ago and I've seen many many many people struggling about this exam.

If you don't pass it, take some days to refresh your brain.

Then start reviewing what you missed on the exam, making custom exercises. You will find a lot of new errors, you never seen before.

Doing the end of chapter labs in the same way before attempting the exam won't give the right answer or what you are looking for.

All the best wishes for your next RH exams

Best Regards
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