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Flight Engineer Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

A little command line fun (From the #24DaysOfLInux Series)

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    .--,       .--,
   ( (  \.---./  ) )
    '.__/o   o\__.'
       {=  ^  =}
        >  -  <
/                     \
\ Have some CLI fun!! /
/                     \
      ___)( )(___
     (((__) (__)))

Check out boxes! There is a new article and description at and it is available in EPEL for RHEL 7.  I'll also point out that it has a -h help option and the -l option lists the available box designs.


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30 Replies

Hahaha. I think we all know Paul Vixie. :)

A black cat crossing the street signifies that the animal is going somewhere.
[don't forget to kudo a helpful post or mark it as a solution!]
Flight Engineer Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

That's good advice, Susan.

The caveat I don't include in any of my articles that I probably should is "And by the way everything I'm showing you was done in a VM that has no other purpose than testing and does not house sensitive data. Don't install anything on a production system that you don't know and trust."

Sometimes I forget my audience isn't necessarily going to be in the same situation I am, and I appreciate the feedback!

Flight Engineer Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

I marked this as a solution so that the reminder is at the top of the discussion for all our participants to review as the fun begins!

PS: Welcome to the community!

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Flight Engineer Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

Day 7 of #24DaysofLinux

Plan your own holiday calendar at the Linux command line

You cannot have an advent calendar without cal.

This article merges cal with some of the previous fun from the week and then adds in a bit of snow.
NC, where both I and the author of this series live, is expected so see the real stuff this weekend.


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Flight Engineer Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

Day 8 of #24DaysofLinux

Play Tetris at your Linux terminal

Some of my fellow instructors are aware that I am fascinated with the learning process. Watching and adapting to the learning process of each new class of students is one of the best parts of teaching. I even took early childhood development classes in college as electives. I also played a LOT of Tetris in college. So I was excited to hear several years ago that Tetris appears to boost growth in some parts of the adolescent brain.

The most cited study in scientific papers dates back to 2009 but references to it resurfaced with the 30 year celebration in 2014 and then again about two years ago.

There is probably some similarities with the brain building that learning to juggle provides and juggling in the sunlight instead of staring at a game screen inside is probably a healthier choice.

The article mentioned running in a container with dex. Since it is cold outside and I am still waiting for it to snow, I think I will see if I can get this to run in a container in minishift.

Meanwhile, here are a couple of articles about how Tetris is good.

Does Tetris Boost Brainpower? - MIT Technology Review

Playing 'Tetris' Can Change Your Brain. Here's How - HuffPost (with PBS video).

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Flight Engineer Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

For those catching up, these are posts from - a place where anyone in the community can read, like, comment, answer polls, and contribute articles on anything open source. I am not the original author, I am just sharing good reads and a little fun.

oK, on the real post:

Day 9 of #24DaysofLinux

Powers of two, powers of Linux: 2048 at the command line

7AM and a good 6 inches of snow at my house. SNOW DAY!
Let's see... RHLS videos or 2048 and Tetris... hmmmm.... hard choice.

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Flight Engineer Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

Day 10 of #24DaysofLinux

Snake your way across your Linux terminal

Classic snake game. Written in go. Packaged in a docker container. With food emojis.

What more needs to be said?


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Flight Engineer Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

Day 11 of #24DaysofLinux

Winterize your Bash prompt in Linux

Nothing new to install here, just a bit of "POP" for your prompt.

The EzPrompt page that is referenced helps with some basic prompt variations and a search will help find other variations of status functions that can be included. The git status one I use (source long forgotten) has saved me a couple of times.

A couple of reminders from class for our learners here:

First, the huge man page for bash has "good stuff". A search for PS1 will get you to a list of basic substitution sequences.

Second, changing the prompt in the /etc/bashrc will change it for all users. If you administer a multiuser system you may not want the managers thinking about snowboarding while making approval decisions with your expense report. Consider the ~/.bashrc instead but be sure to place it at the end after all the global configuration scripts have been parsed. Review Day 4 of the RH254 course if you need a refresher!

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Flight Engineer Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

Day 12 of #24DaysofLinux

Patch into The Matrix at the Linux command line

Winter holidays are a great time to catch up on classic hacker movies.

2001: A Space Odyssey, Tron, War Games, Sneakers, The Net, Hackers, The Matrix, Minority Report, Swordfish, ... If you haven't heard of most of those, well young padawan, you have much to learn!

From IMDb: Top Hacker & Technology Based Movies List

From moviesdrop: 40+ Movies Based On Hacking & Computer Technology

Or go for some with historical influence such as Hidden Figures or The Imitation Game.

More at 17 Movies About Tech Geniuses from skillcrush.

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Flight Engineer Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

Day 13 of #24DaysofLinux

Relax by the fire at your Linux terminal

Lucky 13. Now when the power is out and you can no longer stream some fireside video[1], that long battery life laptop can fire up a full screen command-line version.

[1] Netflix Fireside is pretty well know but there are plenty on YouTube. Like this one from PBS NewsHour.

Happy hand warming!

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