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Beginner in Linux


I am new to Linux and would like to learn it and become certified. Can we please help me?

2 Replies
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @LinuxClifford - welcome to the Red Hat Learning Community! There are many different ways to begin learning about Linux, whether it be a formal training course, articles, videos, webinars, or speaking with Linux subject matter experts in this community. Here are a few resources you might be interested in:

My advice to you is to define what you want to do as a career and work backwards from there - if that includes learning Linux, becoming a Linux system administrator, or building a career in open source technology, than you have come to the right place. 

I hope this helps,




Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

Hello @LinuxClifford,

Like @Deanna, resources to learn Linux are varied and vasts. I would suggest before studying the material for the exam, having some fun exploring Linux:

Try installing a distribution like Fedora.(You can also go for Ubuntu  but Fedora would be most similar to RedHat Linux)

After that open the terminal and see what you can make your computer do. The terminal has a lot of power and you can automate tasks very easily.

My favorite commands are: wget, vim, ssh.

To learn more about the terminal I recommend the website 

Or the book The Linux Command Line.

Learning linux changed my life for the better, hope it does the same for you.

Best Goran,


Best, Goran
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