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Starfighter Starfighter

Display of Filesystems

In the latest Interview Question series, there are four more wonderful, beautiful, questions being posed.  

One of the questions involves "tmpfs" and "ramfs".  I wanted to ask my own
question regarding these two items.

For starters, "tmpfs" and "ramfs" refer to filesystems.  Below, I'll show you a
very simple example of how to create each of these:

tmpfs creation:

# mkdir -p /tmp/tmp_filesystem
# mount  -t tmpfs  -o  size=10g  tmpfs  /tmp/tmp_filesystem

ramfs creation:

# mkdir -p /tmp/ram_filesystem
# mount  -t ramfs  -o  size=10g  ramfs  /tmp/ram_filesystem

When I execute my old friend

                        # df  -h

to see the filesystems that I have mounted, I see the tmpfs filesystem, but
not the ramfs filesystem.  

My question:  Why don't I see the ramfs filesystem in the output of this

Note:  The intended audience is RHCE and below!





Trevor "Red Hat Evangelist" Chandler
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