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cgroups (Control Groups)
- a linux kernel feature
- allows resouces like CPU time, memory, and network bandwidth, to be allocated
     to groups of processes
- help manage resource utilization
- prevents any single process, or user, from monopolizing system resources 
    (i.e. CPU time, memory, network bandwidth, etc.)

There are two kinds of cgroups:
1) transient
2) persistent
A transient cgroup refers to a temporary control group that is automatically 
deleted when a process or seriice, associated with the cgroup, finishes executing.
What this simply means is that the cgroup does NOT persist after the process
or service is stopped.
A persisitent cgroup, on the other hand, remains configured even after a system
reboot.  This type of cgroup can be created in a couple of ways, but is typically
done so using the systemd-run command - to manage resource (CPU time,
memory, network bandwidth, etc.) usage of a temporary process or service.
Some key points about transient cgroups:
  • Creation:
    Usually created dynamically using the systemd tools like systemd-run when 
    starting a process or service.
  • Lifetime:
    Exists only for the duration of the associated process or service, and is automatically
    removed upom termination of the process or service.
  • Use cases:
    Useful for managing resource usage of temporary tasks or applications that only need resource control during their active runtime.
Contrasting Transient cgroups with persistent cgroups:
  • Persistent cgroups: 
    These cgroups are configured in systemd unit files and remain after a
    system reboot, allowing for long-term resource management of services.


cgroups are a powerful resource management tool in the Linux ecosystem!!!


Trevor "Red Hat Evangelist" Chandler
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