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not getting output from NFS path for high utilization folder details

Hello All ,


I tried to get files & folders list out from "/test/abc/" NFS mount path but did not get any high utilization details .

i executed below mentioned command but did not get output & so much delay get output .

actually I am able to list folders under "/test/abc/" NFS mount path but did not get any folders which is consuming more folder details . 

Please check & guide me & Operating System is RHEL 7.X .

I executed command :  du -sh "/test/abc/*/"  # but did not get any output & command executed more than 9 hours and did not get out put . 

Please check & provide command for list out files/folders utilization details with human readable format & fast out put . 

If possible any command to check then could you please provide command .

I am waiting for your valuable infotmation . 

Thanks you , 


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