Hello Everyone,
I am faicng an issue where the grading script report sone task as failed while I did it correctly,
The task states that root login over ssh should be disabled and I have set the PermitRootLogin no and PasswordAuthentication no,
The script reports it as failed on both task, and if my memory serves me right, there is the same grading issue over the last lab
@SamiZiane Which version of the course ar eyou using ? Please share an error sreenshot so that I can take a look.
As far as I remember this issue was resolved, if not there is a workaround to comment out an overwriting config in /etc/sshd/sshd_config.d/50-cloud-init.conf file and then re-grade.
Please refer here for the workaround : https://learn.redhat.com/t5/RH124-Red-Hat-System/sshd-config-PasswordAuthentication-problem/m-p/4544...
Hello Sir
Thank you for reaching, I am in the version 9.3
As a matter of fact I refrained from doing a systemctl reload sshd and then executed the lab grade command all the task passed
ok @SamiZiane Did you try the workaround ?
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