I am trying to finish up Lab 3 of the Chapter 15 Comprehensive Review Labs in RH124, and when I type in sudo dnf install zsh for the 6th specification of the lab, I get an error message basically saying that it failed to download metadata for the repo 'ansible-2.9-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms', and that they could not download repomd.xml. It provided a 404 status code.
Can someone please let me know what the problem is, and if there is a current workaround?
I encountered similar issues from time to time. To resolve I would first stop and restart the lab environment. If that did not work, I would delete the lab environment and recreate it.
I encountered similar issues from time to time. To resolve I would first stop and restart the lab environment. If that did not work, I would delete the lab environment and recreate it.
Yes, recreating the lab environment should resolve the issue.
Restarting the lab solved it. Thanks!
Had same problem,
One faster approach that worked for me was that I disabled ansible.repo (/etc/yum.repos.d/ansible.repo), installed zsh and then re-enabled the ansible.repo again
@Manlio did you try the resolution suggested in the thread ?
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