When doing the following task:
Use the container file in the /home/podmgr/http-dev directory to create the http-app01 detached container. The container image name must be http-client. Map the 8080 port on the local machine to the 8080 port in the container.
I did it like this: podman build -t http-client -f Containerfile
When doing the grading after I was finished, I noticed that I failed this task with this comment:
· Verifying that http-app01 is using the correct image and tag .......................................................... FAIL
- Command did not print the expected message
- 'localhost/http-client:9.0' not found in command output
Not sure how I should have known to also give it a tag?
@Stian You are right! The instruction should explicitly mention about the image tag.
I will report this for correction. Thanks for reporting this to us!
@Stian You are referring to https://rol.redhat.com/rol/app/courses/rh134-9.3/pages/ch14s05 ?
I don't see the use of Containerfile as part of the solution but I would like check out the content of the Containerfile you used.
Yes right, that's the one.
The solution does it a bit differently than I did. I specified the container file with the option -f explicit, while the solution specifies the folder (http-dev/) that the container file is inside of.
Anyways, the solution does in fact describe; "create the http-client:9.0 image". Which is not mentioned in the task. So I'm wondering if this is something I should have known, or if its a "mistyping". If I was given that task on the exam, I guess I would loose a point for not giving the image the correct tag.
Here is the text from the solution:
Create the http-client:9.0 image with the container file in the /home/podmgr/http-dev directory.
[podmgr@serverb ~]$ podman build -t http-client:9.0 http-dev/ STEP 1/7: FROM registry.lab.example.com/rhel9/php-82:1-15 ...output omitted...
@Stian You are right! The instruction should explicitly mention about the image tag.
I will report this for correction. Thanks for reporting this to us!
@Stian Just FYI - this has been already reported and it will be fixed soon.
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