Hello Team,
I am working on this exercise and am stucked at step 8.2, the following error message appears when I click on button named "Build PXE Default" : The specified snippet 'Operations PXELinux discovery' does not exist, or is not a snippet.
Here are the steps I followed (I intentionally did not update the pxe_discovery clone to check if it worked, but no):
Based on the provided error message, I understand that Satellite was able to retrieve the PXE discovery template based on the discovery label, so I think it can be reached, I still do not understand the root cause of this message.
Best regards,
Hi @Travis @Chetan_Tiwary_ ,
After some rest (and 2-3 coffee), I found my issue, in the PXELinux template named Operations PXELinux global default, you add a reference to your Discovery snippet and.... I found a typo in the name of my discovery template.
Once fixed, I was able to Build PXE Default.
So no issue with the lab, only a user issue
Sorry for the un-necessary issue.
Best regards,
Screenshots might be helpful here, but I would review all the steps. I would especially look at the steps where you cloned, named, and edited the Kickstart snippets. Based on the error you are getting (The specified snippet 'Operations PXELinux discovery' does not exist, or is not a snippet.), it seems like either the name of the snippet has typos between the creation name and what was specified or the snippet could be malformed so it isn't resolving as a proper Kickstart snipped.
This is one of the hardest set of exercises to do as there are so many moving pieces and you must have things typed and set correctly throughout. So what is somewhat unclear is where you got the error ... if it was in the WebUI where you were trying to specify the template, it is most definitely a typo and easier to troubleshoot.
If it was the boot process, you might need to check multiple places for the typos and incorrect settings. Again, there is still the possbility that when you cloned the template and put in the customized strings you could have mangled something there which made it become an invalid snippet.
Hi @Travis @Chetan_Tiwary_ ,
After some rest (and 2-3 coffee), I found my issue, in the PXELinux template named Operations PXELinux global default, you add a reference to your Discovery snippet and.... I found a typo in the name of my discovery template.
Once fixed, I was able to Build PXE Default.
So no issue with the lab, only a user issue
Sorry for the un-necessary issue.
Best regards,
Glad that your issue was resolved @NicolasJ !
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