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Episode 4: Agile working: methodologies & best practices

Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

Agile working - we've all heard of it, but do we really know what it means? In this interactive session, we'll dig into this question, and go beyond the standard definition of agile as software created in rapid iterations. We'll explore how agile is really about a way of thinking; a set of values that guides the choices we make, and how we make them. We'll examine themes of collaboration, self-organisation, multiple workflows and change. Understanding agile methodology and how to apply it is crucial for all software developers. This session will arm you with the theory that any prospective employer will expect, and the practical knowledge that will set you out from the crowd.

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Additional resources on the topic:

Our code:

Our practices:

Our training material:

Our principles:

Our org philosophy:

Our management tooling:

Our inner workings:

Our culture and approach: