Calling all Red Hat Certified Professionals

Flight Engineer Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

Have you used your proven skills and knowledge in especially interesting or unique ways, or overcome thorny technical challenges that others would enjoy learning about? If so, enter our annual Red Hat Certified Professional of the Year contest!

Since 2006, Red Hat has recognized Red Hat Certified Professionals who demonstrate ingenuity, hard work, and expertise. The winner of the award will be recognized at Red Hat Summit in 2023.

We are accepting nominations for our 2023 contest until November 30, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. EST. Red Hat Certified Professionals (RHCPs) can nominate themselves for the award or be nominated by a customer, team member, employer, or Red Hat employee. The award is presented to the RHCP nominee with the most outstanding submission.

Learn more here!


6 responses
Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

Is this only for Partners and customers ?

Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

I just want to find out where I can find training and a road map for getting certified.  How did I get sucked into this social media platform? 

Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

@jamessp007you should try the skills path finder -



Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist
Thank You.
RH has the worst layout for web site I have ever seen.

Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

@arbhatiPartners and Customers of Red Hat are eligible for CPOY nominations. Formally you only need to hold a current Red Hat certification during Red Hat Summit 2023.

The ToS reads:

3. How to Enter
The Nomination should also indicate whether Nominee is employed by a Customer or a Partner.

Also make sure to read section 2 (Eligibility) of the ToS to check if you are exempted.

Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

it's very interested