RHLC Syndication -Created Learning Community groups for new courses, and linked them to the courses inside of RHLS. Groups were created for: CL170, CS120, CS220, CS221, DO100, DO121, DO274, RH104, RH174, TL250, and RH445
RHLS Translations-
All translations are controlled from the language selector at the top of the page. This controls course and UI translations
The separate Translation button within the course has been removed from all courses.
Available languages for offerings are now listed on the overview page. Currently this is only available for Lessons
If a user is on a course that does not include certain translations, those languages are indicated on the selector
Skills Path Catalog now utilizes the filters with the new Taxonomies. These include Products, Topics, Audiences, Levels, and Path types. Selecting filters will reveal paths that include offerings that match the filter criteria.
Profile names now default to a user's Prefered name.
Control Bar:
RHLC Syndication button only appears when there is an associated course group
Minimized Table of Contents - The minimized version now remains fixed on the screen when selected. This gives users the same functionality they were looking for from the old progress map - consistent navigation that allows quick access to all pages.
Lesson cards now display the Level as the term Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced. The associated legend also matches the correct level descriptions.
Expert Extras are now ordered in the catalog from newest to oldest. This will present new content to users at the top of the Catalog list.