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Red Hat Learning Community

All Hunt3r2013's Badges

Hunt3r2013 has earned 6 badges!
  • Curious Contributor
    Curious Contributor
    Earned by 5,245
    RHLC member has replied to discussions 1 time
  • Novice Collaborator
    Novice Collaborator
    Earned by 1,028
    RHLC member has started or replied to discussions 5 times
  • Conversation Igniter
    Conversation Igniter
    Earned by 3,166
    RHLC member has started discussions 1 time
  • First Kudo
    First Kudo
    Earned by 4,138
    RHLC member has received their 1st kudo
  • UX Trooper
    UX Trooper
    Earned by 19
    RHLC member has made valuable contributions to shape the UX of RHLS.
  • 100K Members
    100K Members
    Earned by 226,181
    Congratulations on being one of the first 100,000 founding members of the Red Hat Learning Community, or for participating in the 100K Member contest!