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Flight Engineer
Member Profile
Graduated from the “National College for computer Sciences (ENSI)” Engineering School, Tunisia in 1999. Z. BOUZIRI started his career as a software engineer for an international start-up (Proof9 - Finatech Tunisie). He was in charge of designing and developing software that gives investors the ability to select between a vast selection of investment strategies and run simulation on these strategies. In September 2001, he has been part of Alcatel R&D Department as research engineer. He was in charge of design and development of the Alcatel Management Application Platform "ALMAP", and essentially the ELM "Event and Log Management" generic component which is responsible for logging and forwarding events in the Network. Since 2003, he was a consultant for several Tunisian companies and IPv6 and Linux trainer with an international organisms (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie). Zied Bouziri is an IPv6 and Redhat Linux expert (, IPv6 Forum, LPIC-2 RH(CSA,CE,I) certified) and Co-Author of three Linux Certification Books for System Administrators.
Community Stats
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Kudos Given 3
Kudos Received 1
Member Since ‎05-28-2019