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AAP2 and Ansible Navigator - Execution Environments

The ansible-navigator command was introduced when Ansible Automation Platform 2 (AAP2) was released. Ansible navigator allows the use of Execution Environments (EEs)to leverage container-based images known as Execution Environment Images (EEIs). Navigator is capable of leveraging the default container runtimes on the system to launch the EE in order to run the playbook or perform other Ansible functions and sub-commands ( and ( 

There is a separate configuration file for ansible-navigator which is called ansible-navigator.yml and contains the basic settings and configuration information for how it should interact with and launch the container images (EEIs). The overview of the settings can be found ( and it is possible to modify some of the container behavior with this configuration file. If there are multiple container runtimes (container engines) it is possible to specify which container engine is used by the ansible-navigator command.


     container-engine: podman


The other thing to keep in mind when using Ansible Navigator is that localhost now has a different meaning. Prior to running the Ansible playbook within an EE, the playbook was launched locally from a control node with the ansible-playbook command. Now, the playbook as well as anything else in the working directory is mounted inside the container and executed from the EE. What results from this is that any assets that would be copied and written to localhost now reside within the temporary (ephemeral) filesystem of the running container and are deleted as soon as the ansible-navigator command exits.

I have created a quick demo using a set of dummy playbooks to illustrate the differences between localhost and workstation in the RH294/DO374/DO467 classroom environments. There are two playbooks where you have the opportunity to run and observe the container as there is a wait_for module used to look for a file in a specific directory. The demo is located ( and named Localhost_Navigator_Demo.yml and Workstation_Navigator_Demo.yml. It is set up to run directly from the RH294 classroom. Changes will need to be made to the EEI in the ansible-navigator.yml file for the other courses to use the correct EEI.


When running the playbooks, you should also open another terminal window so that you can use a podman exec -it <Container_Name> /bin/bash command to open the container and look around. This will provide the most useful information. The playbook looks for a file called /tmp/navdemo on the system and expects to find DEMO COMPLETE in that file. It will wait at the Ansible task until that file exists with the correct content (similar to something else you might need in a real Ansible task).

Running the demo is easy …

Terminal 1:

[student@workstation navigator]$ ansible-navigator run Localhost_Navigator_Demo.yml


TASK [Display message to screen] *****************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "Hello, I'm waiting on a file on localhost /tmp/navdemo. I will continue waiting until the file exists. Open a new terminal, use PODMAN to go into the container and then create the file /tmp/navdemo with contents 'DEMO COMPLETE'."

TASK [Wait until the string "DEMO COMPLETE" is in the file /tmp/foo before continuing] ***


Terminal 2

[student@workstation navigator]$ ls /tmp | grep navdemo

[student@workstation navigator]$ podman exec -it ansible_runner_65c393c1-0d78-4126-a0db-d759f0884041 /bin/bash

bash-4.4# ls /tmp | grep navdemo

bash-4.4# ls		      Workstation_Navigator_Demo.yml  ansible.cfg	      ansible-navigator.log	      inventory
Localhost_Navigator_Demo.yml  ansible-navigator.yml	      playbook.yml

bash-4.4# ./


Repeat the above steps for the Workstation_Navigator_Demo.yml. What should be seen is that using the script in the container does nothing and you must run it locally on the workstation system in order for the contents to exist in the correct directory on the correct system. Even though workstation is used for the ansible-navigator command to launch the same EEI as an EE, the playbook targets localhost for one playbook and workstation for the other playbook. 

These differences must be taken into account when refactoring older playbooks as often playbooks would be written in a way to collect items “locally” on the control node (node running the Ansible playbook command) and now, if it is set to write content to localhost, it is being written inside the running container which is on ephemeral storage and is deleted when the ansible-navigator command has completed. There are various methods to modify and update the playbooks or it is also possible to update the ansible-navigator.yml file so that persistent storage is presented in the running container and when things are written to “localhost” they are saved. More information and demos can be found ( with the Delegation or the Extra_Mounts directories.

Travis Michette, RHCA XIII
Red Hat Certification + Training
11 Replies

@ConstantinB -

I've updated some of my "General" demo items in my AnsiblePlaybooks repository. I'm still working on things and it will always be a work in progress (WIP), but there are instructions on examining the Execution Environment more, especially based on @bonnevil input above.

This allows you to see how the Ansible User is different with some of the Ad-Hoc examples I provided. I generally do this as part of my RH294/DO374 deliveries, but this helps make things a little more clear (I think). I will be expanding the ADOC tutorial a little bit more, but for now, it shows how you can do basic tests I teach people with ad-hoc commands to test inventory and ansible.cfg.

You will notice in this example, that the ansible user was/is DEVOPS and that SSH keys and SUDOERS are both setup. Let me know ways I can improve this further if you think anything is missing for your understanding.

@Trevor - same goes for you too!


Travis Michette, RHCA XIII
Red Hat Certification + Training
Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

Thanks @bonnevil  kudos for the input above! It's much simpler way to get inside the container! TBH even the "--exec" is mentioned in the "ansiblle-navigator --help" output, it was overlooked by me and I was trying to find a way to get there using podman (this is how I landed here).

Thanks @Travis for a great demo! I totaly agree with the approach!

I haven't seen any of the EE particularites mentioned in the documentation. So when I've read this topic I though it worth to mention the other 2 I was aware of and another one discovered a bit later:)  


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