Hello Everyone
i have attached Openstack installed CentOS 7 Virtual machines images for Ready to Use in VMware workstation(.vmdk) and Virt-manager(.qcow2 for KVM) for POC(Proof Of Concept) , Testing and practising Openstack Stein Release.
i have also attached the screenshots in Step wise manner.
1. Creating a Centos 7 Vm in Vmware workstation (30 Days Trial) and in Virt-Manager (in RHEL , Fedora or Centos)
2. Installing Centos 7 Operating System with Server-GUI package and enabling Network Type as NAT.
3. Installing Openstack Stein using packstack tool in Centos .
https://www.rdoproject.org/install/packstack/ - Followed RDO Link
4. Accessing the Dashboard of Openstack .
Link to get VMDK and Qcow2 Image files:- Shared throught Google Drive
kindly use Tar and Gunzip to get the compressed file for qcow2 image.
password for any users is redhat.
$tar -xvf qcow.tar
$gunzip centos7.qcow2.gz
Link to Download Centos 7 ISO file:-
Have attached all screenshots below:-
VM Creation - Step 1
VM Creation - Step 2 ( Choose Typical)
VM Creation - Step 3 (Choose Centos ISO)
VM Creation - Step 4 (Choose the Destination Folder for Virtual Disk of VM)
VM Creation - Step 5 (Choose Store as Single Disk)
VM Creation - Step 6 (Choose Customize Hardware)
VM Creation - Step 7 (Choose RAM = minimum 8GB )
VM Creation - Step 8 ( Choose CPU to 2 Core)
VM Creation - Step 9 ( Select Finish )
install Centos - Step 1 ( Choose Install Centos 7)
install Centos - Step 2 ( Choose Language )
install Centos - Step 3 (Choose Server-Gui package)
install Centos - Step 4 (select Disk Paritioning )
install Centos - Step 5 ( Choose Automatically configure partitioning)
install Centos - Step 6 ( Begin Installation)
install Centos - Step 7 ( Provide Root password)
install Centos - Step 8 ( Create a local user and set password)
install Centos - Step 9
install Centos - Step 10 ( Reboot)
install Centos - Step 11 (Accept License )
install Centos - Step 12
install Centos - Step 13 ( Power on Ethernet Interface)
installing Openstack - Step 1 ( check whether you have internet connectivity)
installing Openstack - Step 2 ( If you cant access internet try to ifup the interface to get IP through NAT)
installing Openstack - Step 3
installing Openstack - output
installing Openstack - Step 4
installing Openstack - output
installing Openstack - Step 5
installing Openstack - output
installing Openstack - Step 6
installing Openstack - output
installing Openstack - Step 7
installing Openstack - Execution Takes more Than 30 mints )
installing Openstack - output (Installation of Openstack Completed - Dashboard - password informations will be displayed here)
Accessing Openstack Dashboard ( Opening Adminrc file to get password of Admin user)
Accessing Openstack Dashboard - ( access internet browser with lhttp://localhost/dashboard )
Accessing Openstack Dashboard - (Provide user as admin and password of admin from admin-rc file)
Accessing Openstack Dashboard ( Overview Dashboard of Openstack)
Creating VM in Virt-Manager - Step 1 ( choose local media iso)
Creating VM in Virt-Manager - Step 2 ( Browse the Centos iso file)
Creating VM in Virt-Manager - Step 3 - (Choose appropriate RAM 8 GB and CPU 2 core)
Creating VM in Virt-Manager - Step 4 ( Create disk size as minimum 20 GB)
Creating VM in Virt-Manager - Step 5 ( Verify Network as NAT)
Creating VM in Virt-Manager - Step 6 ( chose Display spice as VNC Server)
Creating VM in Virt-Manager - Step 7 ( Provide name to your virtual machine)
Creating VM in Virt-Manager - Step 8 ( Begin Installation and wait for Console of VM)
Creating VM in Virt-Manager - Step 9 (Install Centos)
Thank You
Naresh Kumar Venu
Hey Naresh, You forgot to post the password to login on those VMS.
oopss will add it..
password is redhat for all the users..
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