I m facing issue during I'm self learning in the following course.
- Introduction to Containers, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift (DO180R)
I am doing Exercise - creating an Application with a Template, there i am trying to create the persistent volume. the below error is coming
oc login -u kubeadmin -p$(cat /.kubeadmin) --insecure-skip-tls-verify https://cluster-api.lab.example.com:6443
Error from serer (InternalError): Internal error occured: unexpected response:400
Is there anyone who can help to reslove the below issue?
Rajkumar Batra
Hi Rajbatra
I would refer you to the issues we recently had with DO180 courses, and Jim's solution here: https://learn.redhat.com/t5/Containers-DevOps-OpenShift/Issue-when-create-container-using-podman/m-p...
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Kind regards
Jordi Sola
Red Hat
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