I am trying to follow the instructions in the DO316 (Managing Virtual Machines with Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization) 7.2 - Guided Exercise, but my Lab environment is different from the course one:
in my Lab only the yaml editor is appearing instead of form to select migration source and destination, as shown in the course video.
My actions:
- I have destroyed and completely rebuilt my lab environment
- executed "lab start advanced-import"
- reinstalled the MTV operator
- created the "vsphere-ova" provider
... nothing changed.:
- in the step "Create NetworMap" and "Create StorageMap" only the yaml editor is appearing after the "Create" button.
Please advise me, howto fix the issue in the course?
Thanks for your help in advance!
Best regards, Attila
@avagi Yes only YAML is available and this error is already identified by our team. It will be fixed in an upcoming course update release.
Thanks for letting us know here.
Hi @Chetan_Tiwary_
is it the error will also occurs during the exam EX316v4.14?
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