When I run a podman search [image-name], I am able to only get docker images. All of a sudden, I can't access the Redhat registries for some reason. I get this error when I use podman login: "authenticating creds for registry.access.redhat.com: pinging container registry registry.access.redhat.com: Get "https://registry.access.redhat.com/v2/: dial tcp connect: no route to host".
I have tried everything, somebody please help me.
Hello @ineedhelp123
Thanks for reaching out.
The problem you're experiencing with accessing the Red Hat container registry through Podman seems to be a network-related issue.
Could you please clarify if the issue is related to the course itself, or if it has something to do with the environment you've set up?
I believe it has to do with the environment. I'm not in any specific RHEL course
@ineedhelp123 Thanks for reaching out, are you able to ping the registry? If yes, "you may want to try logging in again using the --tls-verify=false" along with podman login.
Hello @ineedhelp123 !
Are you still facing the issue ?
dial tcp : connec: no route to host - does indicate a network related error may be connectivity or may be DNS. Are you able to ping the registry ?
Please refer this for help : https://access.redhat.com/RegistryAuthentication
If DNS issues persist, you can specify a custom DNS configuration for Podman by editing /etc/containers/containers.conf or /etc/containers/registries.conf and adding the dns entry under the [containers] section, also remove any other DNS entries.
dns = ["", ""]
then sudo systemctl restart podman
this should resolve the issue
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