I'll keep this short. I've been a long time user of the free developer license subscription so I can practice Red hat specific skills in my home lab. The yearly renewal RHEL the limit of 16 licenses for RHEL are a great benefit.
I want to expand my knowledge on the OpenShift platform, but the best that I seem to be able to get is a one-time 90-day license. Doing this in my own time after hours at my own expense, the actual keyboard time I have of that 90-day license is only a handful of days. (Yes, I know that's a me problem.)
I've mentioned this to my sales team a few times, and they were trying to work a longer license but that won't apply to the free developer subscription I've been using. And I wouldn't feel right (not to mention unethical at best), using my work subscription to set up a home lab.
Microsoft and other vendors have developer licenses that include all of their products for an entire year. I realize the Red Hat developer license is 100% free of cost to me, but if there was a reasonably priced (< $250/year) option that would add a one-year subscription for all Red Hat products. I would jump at that in a heartbeat.