As chapter 4 is crusial for the rest of the course, I am stuck.
Is it possible to rerun the cluster-review or restore the services VM?
Jan Gerrit Kootstra
You can reset all the VMs and have a proper working cluster by running 'lab build-cluster setup' on the workstation VM to have a working cluster again! Not a graceful solution, but will help you proceed from Chapter 5.
Hi Sreejith,
The error given by docker-registry-cli confused me.
I just gave the wrong domain-name for the registry server.
Thanks for the hint, might need it in the future.
Jan Gerrit
You can reset all the VMs and have a proper working cluster by running 'lab build-cluster setup' on the workstation VM to have a working cluster again! Not a graceful solution, but will help you proceed from Chapter 5.
Hi Sreejith,
The error given by docker-registry-cli confused me.
I just gave the wrong domain-name for the registry server.
Thanks for the hint, might need it in the future.
Jan Gerrit
Hey, gentlemen. I took the liberty of changing the title (as it was misleading) to something more representative of the real issue discussed. Glad you solved the issue, @JG_Kootstra.
A better title would be: docker gives confusing error when you refer to a wrong registry. It gives a "trace dump" instead of registry cannot be reached.
Actually, most of the thread does deal with reanimation of a defunct services VM, so the title is quite correct.
The section, however, wasn't, so I further moved the post to "Containers, DevOps & OpenShift".
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