Looks like a simple question with a simple answer but it is not working for me in my VMware Rhel9 machine that I have set up. I have successfully installed container-tools, but am unable to log in to the container registry. I am using my username and password that I used to register the machine, the same as the one I use to log in to my course RHCSA Rapid Track
Can anyone help me please?
Alright! So, the first half of all that confirms that both your DNS and your Internet connection are in fact working correctly. That's good!
I also took the time to try your commands on my own RHEL box.
That last command you type, also does not work for me.
What does work for me is:
I will look into why the search you're doing doesn't work. The man-page says it should work for v2 registries, which this is...
Darn, that wasn't it either. I need to curl the v2 URL with a / at the end.
% curl https://registry.access.redhat.com/v2/
So, that URL works after all, but it returns a null set.
EDIT: The stuff I posted here before is wrong afterall.
Ha!! I've got it!
The problem is not you. The problem is with Red Hat!
Let's do that curl again!
$ curl https://registry.access.redhat.com/v2
You should be redirected automatically to target URL: https://crane.registry.redhat.com/v2/
This tells you that you are being redirected to crane.registry.redhat.com.
Yeah, that server is unknown in DNS! 🤪
$ curl https://crane.registry.redhat.com/v2
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: crane.registry.redhat.com
You should be redirected automatically to target URL: https://crane.registry.redhat.com/v2/>. If not click the link.[podmgr@kingfisher user]$
[podmgr@kingfisher user]$ podman search crane.registry.redhat.com/
Error: 1 error occurred:
* couldn't search registry "crane.registry.redhat.com": pinging container registry crane.registry.redhat.com: Get https://crane.registry.redhat.com/v2/: dial tcp: lookup crane.registry.redhat.com on read udp> i/o timeout
[podmgr@kingfisher user]$ podman search crane.registry.redhat.com/v2/
Error: 1 error occurred:
* couldn't search registry "crane.registry.redhat.com": pinging container registry crane.registry.redhat.com: Get https://crane.registry.redhat.com/v2/: dial tcp: lookup crane.registry.redhat.com on read udp> i/o timeout
[podmgr@kingfisher user]$ podman search "crane.registry.redhat.com/v2/"
Error: 1 error occurred:
* couldn't search registry "crane.registry.redhat.com": pinging container registry crane.registry.redhat.com: Get https://crane.registry.redhat.com/v2/: dial tcp: lookup crane.registry.redhat.com on read udp> i/o timeout
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I think the reference to crane.registry.redhat.com is misleading. I can just search and download images just fine:
➜ grep redhat.com /etc/containers/registries.conf
unqualified-search-registries = ["registry.fedoraproject.org", "registry.access.redhat.com", "docker.io", "quay.io"]
➜ podman login registry.access.redhat.com
Username: XXXX <-- it's the same user/password I use for the RH Portal at https://access.redhat.com
Login Succeeded!
➜ podman search ubi | grep registry.access
registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/go-toolset Platform for building and running Go 1.11.5...
registry.access.redhat.com/ubi9/go-toolset rhcc_registry.access.redhat.com_ubi9/go-tool...
registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/openjdk-8-runtime OpenJDK 1.8 runtime-only image on Red Hat Un...
registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/openjdk-11-runtime OpenJDK 11 runtime-only image on Red Hat Uni...
➜ podman pull registry.access.redhat.com/ubi9/ubi:latest
Trying to pull registry.access.redhat.com/ubi9/ubi:latest...
Getting image source signatures
Checking if image destination supports signatures
Copying blob 33b9f09cff46 done
Copying config e7236a3e07 done
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
➜ curl -vi https://registry.access.redhat.com
➜ echo $?
➜ getent hosts registry.access.redhat.com e40408.d.akamaiedge.net e40408.d.akamaiedge.net
➜ podman logout registry.access.redhat.com
Removed login credentials for registry.access.redhat.com
➜ podman pull registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8-minimal:latest
Trying to pull registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8-minimal:latest...
Getting image source signatures
Checking if image destination supports signatures
Copying blob d2b5f358ecf1 skipped: already exists
Copying config f4fb65011c done
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
the issue is related to resolving the DNS.
If DNS issues persist, you can specify a custom DNS configuration for Podman by editing /etc/containers/containers.conf or /etc/containers/registries.conf and adding the dns entry under the [containers] section, also remove any other DNS entries.
dns = ["", ""]
then sudo systemctl restart podman
this should resolve the issue
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