Looks like a simple question with a simple answer but it is not working for me in my VMware Rhel9 machine that I have set up. I have successfully installed container-tools, but am unable to log in to the container registry. I am using my username and password that I used to register the machine, the same as the one I use to log in to my course RHCSA Rapid Track
Can anyone help me please?
Hi Tess,
thank you for your response. I have done the following as I suspected that too.
nmcli con add con-name new-con ifname ens160 type ethernet ipv4.method manual ipv4.addresses ipv4.gateway192.168.83.2 ipv4.dns192.168.83.2 connection.autoconnect yes
nmcli con up new-con
nmcli con mod ens160 connection.autoconnect no
nmcli con show....gives the following
new-con 89453323-c2ee-4a0f-a7fa-699b59daf26f ethernet ens160
I also reinstalled and restarted httpd, which started on port 80
and to make sure I ran
firewall-cmd --add-service http; firewall-cmd --add-port 80/tcp --permanent; firewall-cmd --reload
Please see output now. I still can not login to registry.access.redhat.com, when I run podman login --get-login it tells me it is not logged in. I used the same dns ipaddress that came with the orginal network connection that was set up when I installed Linux V9 - and ping works
Many of the things you're describing have zero, no relation whatsoever, with podman login to a remote registry. Having a httpd running locally, or having the firewall open to your own httpd is not related at all.
But, it's good that you included your screenshot, because it makes me realize something I'd overlooked: you're running RHEL inside a VMWare Fusion VM on MacOS.
So now we know which aspects to troubleshoot.
Your screenshot does not actually show the error message that you quoted earlier. In fact, your screenshot suggests that there is a working network connection.
So can you confirm that you can correctly:
I did not ask you to curl anything, that was @Chetan_Tiwary_ . But, you have misunderstood what they were asking. Chetan did not ask you if you can curl your own host, they asked if you can curl the registry server.
Again, setting up a httpd (with firewall rules) on your RedHat workstation is not relevant to this situation. The problem with your VM is one of simple networking.
> " I manually set it to make sure all the parameters in setting the network were included,
> that I learnt from the course, and it seems to work after a reboot – that’s all."
You cannot simply take settings that worked in the RedHat training labs and apply them to your own VM, while hoping they will work. Your VM on your VMWare Fusion has a different network configuration, than the VM in the RedHat training labs.
> " I have not done this before, so I don’t really know what you mean or what I need to do here."
In order for your RedHat VM on your Mac to have network access, it needs a number of things. 1) The VM needs to have a virtual network card (which it does!), 2) the virtual network card must be connected to your Mac's network (either in bridged mode or in NAT mode), 3) your VM must be configured to use the network settings that apply to the environment from step 2.
If your VM is configured to provide networking via NAT, you must set your RedHat VM to use DHCP. If your VM is configured to provide networking via bridge mode, then you must first figure out what the network you are on requires: does it need hard-coded settings or DHCP?
If you cannot work with these instructions and guidance, then I suggest you first learn a bit more about TCP/IP networking in general. You need to understand how virtual machines and hypervisors work with network access.
Once the networking setup is correct, the following three will work.
After that, you can retry the podman login.
apologies, just saw the last part of your message. In summary, I've checked that the NAT is set on vmware fusion, but I have not changed this, and all three
ping; nslookup www.google.com; ping www.google.com work
And although I am also able to bring up the webconsole from firefox, curl http://localhost:9090 from the command line does not work
Your post mentions a screenshot, but there's no screenshot.
You can that a ping of works and that you can nslookup for google.com.
So can you also test these (and then show us the output):
The second one should give a HTTP 301 redirect with a little output.
I've also checked the documentation for the Red Hat registries.
->. https://access.redhat.com/RegistryAuthentication#red-hat-registries-1
Turns out that registry.access.redhat.com does not need authentication at all. You should be able to pull from there anonymously. It also does not used RedHat login.
> "As you can see from the first screen"
Unfortunately we can't... Your screenshots are not showing up on this forum.
Hi Tess, included herein is a cut and paste of the above mentioned.
======================Output of requested commands BELOW
ushakant@kingfisher ~]$ nslookup registry.access.redhat.com
Non-authoritative answer:
registry.access.redhat.com canonical name = registry.access.redhat.com2.edgekey.net.
registry.access.redhat.com2.edgekey.net canonical name = registry.access.redhat.com2.edgekey.net.globalredir.akadns.net.
registry.access.redhat.com2.edgekey.net.globalredir.akadns.net canonical name = e40408.d.akamaiedge.net.
Name: e40408.d.akamaiedge.net
Name: e40408.d.akamaiedge.net
[ushakant@kingfisher ~]$ curl https://registry.access.redhat.com/v2
<p>You should be redirected automatically to target URL: <a href="https://crane.registry.redhat.com/v2/">https://crane.registry.redhat.com/v2/</a>. If not click the link.[ushakant@kingfisher ~]$ ping -c3
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=19.7 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=128 time=160 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=128 time=24.3 ms
joe@kingfisher ~]$ podman info|grep registries -A5
- registry.access.redhat.com
- registry.redhat.io
- docker.io
[joe@kingfisher ~]$ podman search registry.access.redhat.com
^C[joe@kingfisher ~]$
[joe@kingfisher ~]$ podman search registry.access.redhat.com/
Error: 1 error occurred:
* couldn't search registry "registry.access.redhat.com": pinging container registry registry.access.redhat.com: Get "https://registry.access.redhat.com/v2/": dial tcp: lookup registry.access.redhat.com on read udp> i/o timeout
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