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UPDATED COURSE AVAILABLE: Building Resilient Microservices with Istio and Red Hat OpenShift Service


Red Hat Training & Certification is pleased to announce the release of Building Resilient Microservices with Istio and  Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh (DO328) for OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) 4.6 and Red Hat Service Mesh 2.0. This release includes updated lectures, guided exercises and labs, including enhancements based on training feedback.

As cloud-native architectures become larger and more complex, defining how these services securely interact with each other is increasingly difficult. Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh provides you with a zero-trust network for managing secure service interactions, service tracing, and creating a visual representation of communication pathways.

This course is a 3-day introduction to Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh that teaches students installation, service monitoring, service resilience, and service security. 


I would like to thank all of the team members that contributed to the success of this course. Thank you to Marek Czernek, Jordi Sola, Enol Alvarez, and Ravishankar Srinivasan for their hard work updating this course. Thank you to our content services group including Sam Ffrench and Heider Souza. Thank you Chetan Tiwary for providing QA testing. Thank you to Richard Allred for building and supporting the classroom environment.

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1 response
Mission Specialist
Mission Specialist

Hi @joelbirchler,

Is EX328 available ??

According to "the internet" the exam is available. But cannot see it in the Exams catalaog. 

I intend to take this course and want to know whether I can sit for the exam as well.

Also, does it count towards RHCA ??


