Step 3 of this exercise asks you to change the image to
FROM registry.ocp4.example.com:8443/ubi8/nodejs-16:1
But trying to pull that image fails with an unauthorisation access error
Any workaround for this?
Hello @MauriceBurrows ,
Thank you for reaching out.
I tried the exercise and I am unable to see any issues, attaching the screenshot for reference.
request you to try the below things and check.
1. Delete and recreate the lab.
2. Make sure the cluster is up before running anything i,e monitor the cluster status using the following commands "ssh lab@utility" --> in workstation terminal, followed by "./wait" --> In utility terminal.
3. Once the cluster is up make sure you run the start script "lab start custom-containerfiles" and it runs successfully without any error.
4. Retry building the image after following the instructions in the Guided exercise.
If you still face any issue, please open a support ticket using the "support" tab at the ROL homepage.
Hello @MauriceBurrows ,
Thank you for reaching out.
I tried the exercise and I am unable to see any issues, attaching the screenshot for reference.
request you to try the below things and check.
1. Delete and recreate the lab.
2. Make sure the cluster is up before running anything i,e monitor the cluster status using the following commands "ssh lab@utility" --> in workstation terminal, followed by "./wait" --> In utility terminal.
3. Once the cluster is up make sure you run the start script "lab start custom-containerfiles" and it runs successfully without any error.
4. Retry building the image after following the instructions in the Guided exercise.
If you still face any issue, please open a support ticket using the "support" tab at the ROL homepage.
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