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OpenShift commands Cheat Sheet

Here is the list for  oc cli commands that is mostly used and can come handy for your exam preparation :

You can download the pdf attached with this post at the bottom.

Run oc help to list all commands or run oc <command> --help to get additional details for a specific command.

Refer :


#login with admin user

oc login https://<master-server>:8443 -u admin -p redhat


#login as developer user

oc login https://<master-server>:8443 -u developer -p developer


#Logged in username

oc whoami 

#Create a new app from a GitHub Repository

oc new-app


#New app from a different branch

oc new-app --name=web nginx:1.10~


#Create objects from a file:

oc create -f anyobject.yaml -n <project>

Eg. oc create -f service.yaml -n operation


#Delete objects contained in a file:

oc delete -f anyobject.yaml -n <project>


#Create or merge objects from file

oc apply -f anyobject.yaml -n <project>

#Monitor Pod status

watch oc get pods

#Gather information of a pod deployment with more details

oc get pods -o wide


#do not show inactive Pods

oc get pods --show-all=false


#show all resources

oc get all

oc get pods

oc get service

oc get route

oc get secrets

oc get configmap

oc get limitranges

oc get resourcequota

oc get hpa dc/dcname

oc get pv

oc get pvc

oc get nodes

oc get ingress

oc get networkpolicy


#Get  Openshift Console Address

oc whoami –show-console


#Copy a local folder to app Pod under the folder /opt/jboss

oc cp ./file app:/opt/jboss

#Create a ConfigMap from file

oc create configmap my-config


oc create secret generic my-secret --from-file=secret.key


#Create a ConfigMap/Secret from literals

oc create configmap my-config --from-literal=foo=bar --from-literal=app=blu

oc create secret generic my-secret --from-literal=secret.key=value


#Set a ConfigMap/Secret in a deployment

oc set env deployment/my-deployment --from configmap/my-config

oc set env deployment/my-deployment --from secret/my-secret


# Update deployment green with a new environment variable

oc set env dc/green STORAGE_DIR=/local


# List the environment variables defined on all pods

oc set env pods --all --list


# Import environment from a secret

oc set env --from=secret/mysecret dc/myapp


#Get Nodes list

oc get nodes


#Check on which Node your Pods are running

oc get pods -o wide


#List all pods which are running on a Node

oc adm manage-node node1.fqdn --list-pods ( fqdn = fully qualified domain name)


#Add a label to a Node

oc label node node1.fqdn label=value


#Remove a label from a Node

oc label node node1.fqdn label-


#create a PersistentVolumeClaim  

oc set volume dc/<dcname> --add --name=shared-storage \

-t pvc --claim-mode=ReadWriteMany --claim-size=1Gi \

--claim-name=shared-storage --claim-class=ocs-storagecluster-cephfs \

--mount-path=/opt/app-root/src/uploaded \

-n shared-storage


#Manual deployment 

$ oc rollout latest <dcname>


#Pause automatic deployment rollout

oc rollout pause dc <dcname>


# Resume automatic deployment rollout

oc rollout resume dc <dcname>

#Define resource requests and limits in DeploymentConfig

oc set resources deployment nginx --limits=cpu=200m,memory=512Mi --requests=cpu=100m,memory=256Mi


#Define livenessProve and readinessProve in DeploymentConfig

oc set probe dc/nginx --readiness --get-url=http://:8080/healthz --initial-delay-seconds=10

oc set probe dc/nginx --liveness --get-url=http://:8080/healthz --initial-delay-seconds=10


#Scale the number of Pods to 5

oc scale dc/nginx --replicas=5


#Define Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (hpa)

oc autoscale dc nginx --max=4 –min=2 --cpu-percent=60

#Create route with default hostname

 oc expose service <servicename>


# Create Route and expose it through a custom Hostname

oc expose service <servicename>  --hostname <hostname>


#Read the Route Host attribute

oc get route my-route -o jsonpath --template="{}"


oc get route -n <project/namespace>


#Common Troubleshooting

oc delete all -l key=value

oc get all

oc describe pod <pod-name>

oc describe node <node-name>

oc get nodes -L <label>

oc label node <node-name> key=value

oc get endpoints -n <namespace/project>

oc describe node <node-name> | grep -i taint

oc get events 

oc get dc <dc-name> -o yaml

oc rollout latest hello

oc logs <hello-2-abcd>

oc expose service hello 

oc debug pod <PODNAME>

oc edit service <service-name>

oc edit deployment <deploymentname>

oc edit ingress <ingressname>

oc edit route <routename>

oc adm cordon <nodename>  ( to mark the node unschedulable )


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