How could I find out remaining lab hours I still have?
I have been very careful, always stopping lab servers right after finishing certain labs. I assume by doing that, I could keep more lab hours available to use later.
@birdy you need to click on the support icon in your learning portal to raise the support case.
Hi @birdy
Thanks contact us and please see these two pictures.
1. At the RHLS home view, learners can chech how many lab hours are used.
In this picture, 87 hours of 400 hours are consumed.
2. At the lab console, learners can check lab power status and when it will be stop and deleted.
I hope these information will support your learning.
@birdy If you are a RHLS subscriber you can follow what @RH-Yamato has posted , or otherwise if you are having A la carte ( single course purchase ) course or having a partner based subscription then you can raise a support ticket to know your lab hours consumption.
@YamatoSakai: Thanks. Turns out I have A la carte ( single course purchase ) course, so I can't use the way you show above to check my lab hours.
@Chetan_Tiwary_: How to raise a support ticket in this case? Is there some email address I need to send this request to?
@birdy you need to click on the support icon in your learning portal to raise the support case.
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