HEllo people
Running through the guided lab of chpater RHACS integration (Ch9. Section2), i come accross with s doubt.
In 4.3, it states Review the /run/user/1000/containers/auth.json file. The JSON file contains authentication details for central-quay-registry.apps.ocp4.example.com registry.
Why is that 1000 identifier? why that number and not other different? is it on purpose?
Thx n Regards
Hello @javierbarea !
pam_systemd daemon creates /run/user/$uid directory for every logged in user which is used for storing running processes’ files for that user.
Typically, Linux starts creating "normal" users at UID 1000. So a user with UID 1000 is probably the first user ever created on that particular system (beside root, who always has UID 0). I think this is as per security best practice !
Hello @javierbarea !
pam_systemd daemon creates /run/user/$uid directory for every logged in user which is used for storing running processes’ files for that user.
Typically, Linux starts creating "normal" users at UID 1000. So a user with UID 1000 is probably the first user ever created on that particular system (beside root, who always has UID 0). I think this is as per security best practice !
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