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Starfighter Starfighter

what are the causes for httpd down on JBOSS eap

Hi All,
how to check httpd down information log details .
normally by using this command can check for httpd is running or not: ps -ef|grep httpd

actually above command doesnot shows the output  and which log contain httpd down or stopped information . how to find the httpd down logs . actually httpd is suddenly stopped ,
due to this reason unable to access the application . how to find the causes for httpd down . could you please provide soultion .   


above information is scenarion its not happen regularly but its one scenarion . could you please provide require RCA .

if i wronly asked then kindly ignore my question and this message 

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2 Replies
Flight Engineer Flight Engineer
Flight Engineer

On a system with systemd such as RHEL7.X, you can simply issue:

# systemctl status httpd.service

httpd service can be down when the server is too busy and/or no more resources left to keep it running on the user space.



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Starfighter Starfighter

thanks for share valuable information , but actually my issue is when httpd is down . how to check httpd down logs in kernal path. i know normall http/logs path and logs names access.log and error.log but i need any other location these services stop and start related information require . could you please share if you know the OS level process are running and stoping information .


1. if one case screnario: Linux OS reboot but httpd down , httpd logs not able to capture the data , then how to check httpd when its down and start ( if its configure like any monitoring tool , it checks inform the status ). Finally required for me , in Linux OS level how to check httpd stop and start . i hope understand my scenario . could you please let know if any concerns . 

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