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sed - Notes


  • text-processing utility
  • stream-oriented
  • uses simple programming language
  • has support for regular expressions
  • accepts inputs from files as well as pipes
  • can also accept inputs from standard input streams


Some of the ways sed can be used are:

  • Text substitution,
  • Selective printing of text files,
  • In-a-place editing of text files,
  • Non-interactive editing of text files
  • etc.


sed has the following flow:

  • read -  read a line from input stream
  • execute - execute sed command(s) on a line
  • display - display results on an output stream
  • Read: sed reads a line from the input stream (a file, pipe, or stdin)
    and stores it in an internal buffer called pattern buffer.

  • Execute: All sed commands are applied sequentially on the pattern
    buffer. By default, sed commands are applied on all lines (globally)
    unless line addressing is specified.

  • Display: Send the (modified) contents to the output stream.
    After sending the data, the pattern buffer will be empty.

  • The above process repeats until the input stream is exhausted.


  • Pattern buffer is a private, in-memory, volatile storage area used by sed

  • By default, all sed commands are applied on the pattern buffer, hence the
    input sream remains unchanged

  • There is another memory area called hold buffer which is also private,
    in- memory, volatile storage area - exclusive use by sed. Data can be
    stored in a hold buffer for later retrieval. At the end of each cycle, sed
    removes the contents of the pattern buffer, but the contents of the
    hold buffer remains persistent between sed cycles. However sed commands
    cannot be directly executed on hold buffer, hence sed allows data movement between the hold buffer and the pattern buffer.

  • Initially both the pattern buffer and hold buffer are empty.

  • If no input files are provided, then SED accepts input from the standard
    input stream (stdin).

  • If address range is not provided by default, then SED operates on each line.


Okay, I'll stop here with the conceptual information.  I'd really like to provide some
actual examples, that will lay a good foundation to the conceptual comments, and
not the other way around.

In my opening comments, I made reference to sed commands, and there will
definitely be extensive covereage of those commands during this journey.  
However, I'm going to begin from the absolute most basic command.

Note:  You are strongly encouraged to run/execute every command that I

The contents of the file used for this first example is shown below:
Gorillas65 years 
Chimpanzees: 45 years
Bonobos: 40 years
Orangutans: 40 years
Gibbons: 25 years 


The syntax for the most basic command involving sed is:

$   sed  '' filename
Note:  '' 
represents 2 back-to-back single quotes - NOT a single double quote!!!
           There is not a space between the single quotes, however, the behavior
           of the command will NOT change if you put any amount of space between
           the single quotes!!!

An actual example would be:     $  sed  "   ani_info
To keep this as simple as possible, all you need to understand about
what this command is that it is functionally equivalent to the following
command:    $   cat   ani_info

$  sed  ''  ani_info         <==>        $   cat   ani_info
- provide identical output

Note:  That simple sed command contains NO sed commands!!!!

I'll close this commentary by providing a list of the commands that are
used with/by sed:


  • Append text after a line.

a text

  • Append text after a line (alternative syntax).

b label

  • Branch unconditionally to label. The label may be omitted,
    in which case the next cycle is started.


  • Replace (change) lines with text.

c text

  • Replace (change) lines with text (alternative syntax).


  • Delete the pattern space; immediately start next cycle.


  • If pattern space contains newlines, delete text in the
    pattern space up to the first newline, and restart cycle
    with the resultant pattern space, without reading a new
    line of input.
  • If pattern space contains no newline, start a normal new
    cycle as if the d command was issued.


  • Executes the command that is found in pattern space
    and replaces the pattern space with the output; a trailing
    newline is suppressed.

e command

  • Executes command and sends its output to the output stream.
    The command can run across multiple lines, all but the last
    ending with a back-slash.


  • (filename) Print the file name of the current input file
    (with a trailing newline).


  • Replace the contents of the pattern space with the
    contents of the hold space.


  • Append a newline to the contents of the pattern space,
    and then append the contents of the hold space to that of
    the pattern space.


  • (hold) Replace the contents of the hold space with the
    contents of the pattern space.


  • Append a newline to the contents of the hold space, and
    then append the contents of the pattern space to that of the
    hold space.


  • insert text before a line.

i text

  • insert text before a line (alternative syntax).


  • Print the pattern space in an unambiguous form.


  • (next) If auto-print is not disabled, print the pattern space,
    then, regardless, replace the pattern space with the next
    line of input. If there is no more input then sed exits without
    processing any more commands.


  • Add a newline to the pattern space, then append the next line of
    input to the pattern space. If there is no more input then sed exits
    without processing any more commands.


  • Print the pattern space.


  • Print the pattern space, up to the first <newline>.


  • (quit) Exit sed without processing any more commands
    or input.


  • (quit) This command is the same as q, but will not print
    the contents of pattern space. Like q, it provides the
    ability to return an exit code to the caller.

r filename

  • Reads file filename.

R filename

  • Queue a line of filename to be read and inserted into the
    output stream at the end of the current cycle, or when the
    next input line is read.


  • (substitute) Match the regular-expression against the content
    of the pattern space. If found, replace matched string with replacement.

t label

  • (test) Branch to label only if there has been a successful
    substitution since the last input line was read or conditional
    branch was taken. The label may be omitted, in which case
    the next cycle is started.

T label

  • (test) Branch to label only if there have been no successful
    substitutions since the last input line was read or conditional
    branch was taken. The label may be omitted, in which case
    the next cycle is started.

v [version]

  • (version) This command does nothing, but makes sed fail
    if GNU sed extensions are not supported, or if the requested
    version is not available.

w filename

  • Write the pattern space to filename.

W filename

  • Write to the given filename the portion of the pattern space up
    to the first newline


  • Exchange the contents of the hold and pattern spaces.


  • Transliterate any characters in the pattern space which
    match any of the source-chars with the corresponding
    character in dest-chars.


  • (zap) This command empties the content of pattern space.


  • A comment, until the next newline.

{ cmd ; cmd ... }

  • Group several commands together.


  • Print the current input line number (with a trailing newline).

: label

  • Specify the location of label for branch commands (b, t, T).



Over the course of this journey - and I do mean journey, and not
a sprint  -  I promise to provide examples involving each of these
sed commands, along with the options/switches that are available
to be used with sed.  









Trevor "Red Hat Evangelist" Chandler
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