I have recently completed the EX294 exam but I do not see my pass certificate yet in Red Hat Portal , nor do I see anything in Credly !!
How long does it take for the certificate to appear in Red Hat Portal or Credly ?
For me it has been 2 days already !!
@Punyabrata It should have been reflecting in your credly account by now. Please raise a support case here and it will be resolved soon : https://rhtapps.redhat.com/comments
Hi Chetan
I have created a ticket RHT2322578 with support today . Hopefully they will check the issue.
~ thanks
@Punyabrata yes please wait for the update from the assigned associate on your ticket. It will be resolved soon.
Hi Chetan / @Chetan_Tiwary_
I got a response from Training Support that reads as follows -
To be a current RHCE, you need to pass both ex200 as well as ex294, and both certificates have to be current. I see that you have only an ex294 certificate in your profile. Hence you are unable to see the RHCE certificate. Once you pass ex200, the RHCE certificate will be listed and available for download.
I don't understand what this means. I am only looking for the EX294 Certificate , not RHCE Certificate. How is this possible .
Hello @Punyabrata !
Ok I got it now. Let me explain to you what this situation is .
EX294 certification is also known as RHCE certification ( https://www.redhat.com/en/services/training/ex294-red-hat-certified-engineer-rhce-exam-red-hat-enter... ).
But the condition to get the EX294 cert ( or as it is also known as RHCE cert ) is that you need to have an active RHCSA cert also i.e you must have clear EX200 exam and the cert should be active ( generally a cert is active for 3 years ).
My employer provides re-imbursement for certification cost on passing the exam but I can not claim re-imbursement unless I can produce a pass certificate from the Vendor.
Can Red Hat issue a EX294 Pass Certificate ? These Exams are sold separately but Certificate is issued Jointly with EX200 + EX294 ?
@Punyabrata I totally get your feeling. But, Yes, for EX294 certificate, EX200 cert is mandatory as per the cert policy and requirements. I guess you did not check the EX294 cert requirement when going for it.
I dont think Red Hat can issue EX294 cert if a learner does not have an active EX200 cert. You can go for EX200 now, clear it and have the EX294 cert as well. That way you can claim the reimbursement.
https://rhtapps.redhat.com/verify <- input your certificate ID over here and it will show your trancript with a passed exam. This is hopefully sufficient to get your reimbursment.
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