Congratulations @khokha - you're now an RHCE. Now on to bigger and better things and becoming RHCA.
Thank you @Travis .
I hope to become RHCA by the next year.
Good luck as you are well on your journey.
Congrats on this achievement!!! Support is what Travis
provides to and for the community!!!
Which version ( 8, 8.4, 9) of the exam did you attempt?
Besides the assistance that Travis provided, what
percentage of your preparation came from the official
Red Hat training course?
@Trevor thanks, yes travis did really help me to understand basic concept of configuring ansible.
I took v9 exam, i would really recommend focusing on concepts may not be covered by the GE, labs but mentioned in the course and videos.
I would say about 60 - 70 % from Red Hat training.
khokha -
Thanks for the response. Your comments
are invaluable to those who are also preparing
to attempt the RH294 exam.
Again, congratulations on this achievement!!!
Much success in your future endeavors!!!
Thank you @Trevor
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