So while preparing for RHCSA configuring stratis you need the following in /etc/fsbab
Hi All, I personally find this conversation intriguing. Would anyone be willing to write up a short article on this topic? If anyone is interested, feel free to email me directly at We'd love to get this type of information out to our audience!
@Tracy_BakerI thought your answer was particularly helpful/pragmatic!
I'm studying for the RHCSA, taking it in a month.
How do you remember how to setup the BaseOS and AppStream repo's?
Any man/apropos tricks you can give me?
On my minimal installations when I man/apropos for anything related to repo's I don't find anything.
I know repetition is key, I have done this multiple times but I'm just wondering if there is something I can do if I freeze during the exam and brain fog sets in.
Nevermind, I figured it out. I will just use the media.repo file to remind me. If you are wondering where the media.repo file is, you see it when you mount the ISO file.
I have an urgent question, tomorrow I present my exam and I thought it was something typical in the VM's of the RED HAT labs, but I just installed RHEL 8.2 as Guest OS in my own HOST out of curiosity to try the command [ man -k any_word_here ] and I I am realizing that the same thing happens, the output it gives me is: nothing appropriate.
Without being able to use this command I am dead! Do I need to enable something?
Really thank you! Its work!
I would also recommend using the capital -K since it searches for the text in all pages.
do "man vdo"
search for fstab
Use the "defaults,x-systemd.requires=vdo.service" and replace "vdo" with "stratisd"
Thanks for all the answers, really helpful as I prepare for the RHCSA.
On rhel9, I was never able to get a result when searching with man -k (even after running mandb and having vdo installed). However, based on a search in /usr/share, i found
* New /etc/fstab options x-systemd.requires= and
x-systemd.requires-mounts-for= are now supported to express
additional dependencies for mounts. This is useful for
journaling file systems that support external journal
devices or overlay file systems that require underlying file
systems to be mounted.
Hopetully that will be enough to come up with the correct syntax.
I have no clue how to access that NEWS page using man, but you can just less the file and browse away.
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