My EX200 exam is near and I need the best exam preparation resources. Does anyone recommend the best EX200 practice test?
@gregorycarver Practice more and more and refer the exam objectives and make sure nothing is missed
@gregorycarver If you have an RHLS subscription, you should practice with guided exercises and labs of the apropriate course. If you do not have one, check Sander van Vugt's RHCSA video course and guide. They have pretty good practice tests. Good luck with your exam!
@gregorycarver best EX200 preparation resource is the RHLS courses RH124 & RH134 and their labs - where you can practice multiple exam objectives ( ) - The end of chapter labs have a grading which can give you a feeling about how grading happens and how it gives you a pass or a fail which will be helpful in exam. Focus on objectives and how to make configurations persistent across reboots.
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