Hi Team,
I have already completed few of the RedHat Certification for long time back my certification is going to expire on 27-Oct-2019. I just want to know if I complete below mentioned Certification will i get the RHCA certification ?
Red Hat JBoss Application Administration I Online (JB248R)
Student ID # 130-184-047
Could you please let me know so that i will start completing this certification.
Hi @Kesavan,
According to your page on Red Hat Certification Central, you have only one current certificate of expertise on top of your RHCE. That certificate (EX413) is going to expire on 27-Oct-2019 (along with your RHCE).
Your 3 other certificates of expertise (EX210, EX236, EX138) have already expired.
So no, you won't become RHCA by passing just one more exam before 27-Oct-2019.
You actually need to pass 4 more exams over RHCE before 27-Oct-2019 to become RHCA. Even if you'd manage to do so in spite of the short deadline, you'd lose your RHCA on 27-Oct-2019 anyway, because both of your RHCE and EX413 expire that day.
So, forget 27-Oct-2019. You need EX294 (RHCE RHEL8/Ansible) or EX300 (RHCE RHEL7) + 5 certificates of expertise over RHCE.
Hi @Kesavan,
According to your page on Red Hat Certification Central, you have only one current certificate of expertise on top of your RHCE. That certificate (EX413) is going to expire on 27-Oct-2019 (along with your RHCE).
Your 3 other certificates of expertise (EX210, EX236, EX138) have already expired.
So no, you won't become RHCA by passing just one more exam before 27-Oct-2019.
You actually need to pass 4 more exams over RHCE before 27-Oct-2019 to become RHCA. Even if you'd manage to do so in spite of the short deadline, you'd lose your RHCA on 27-Oct-2019 anyway, because both of your RHCE and EX413 expire that day.
So, forget 27-Oct-2019. You need EX294 (RHCE RHEL8/Ansible) or EX300 (RHCE RHEL7) + 5 certificates of expertise over RHCE.
Hey, @littlebigfab,
I'm afraid your statement isn't entirely correct.
The way it works right now is that for as long as the RHCE is current (which it obviously still is), each successfully passed certificate of expertise exam will extend the current status of the RHCE for another 18 months.
So if @Kesavan passes even a single CoE by 27-Oct-2019, his RHCE will be extended.
Hi @oldbenko,
Have you noticed that Kesavan's RHCE exam was based on RHEL6 ?
To me, RHEL6-based RHCE have stopped benefitting from auto-extension at each new CoE since the release of RHEL8.
At least, my RHEL6-based RHCE and RHCSA have not been extended by my passing EX447 earlier this month.
Before the release of RHEL8, they both used to be extended by each CoE for 3 more years.
Hey, @littlebigfab,
What version the RHCE is based on is irrelevant.
I think the issue here is there is a RHCSA/RHCE couple from RHEL6 and then only a RHCSA from RHEL7, but because I am not a member of the certification team, I obviously can't say whether this is by design or by mistake.
The general logic though is, that for a current RHCE, by passing a CoE you have clearly demonstrated skills beyond those that are tested for by a RHCE exam and therefore it, too, is extended.
If anyone is having an issue with the expiration date of their existing RHCE credentials after passing a CoE that counts against RHCA based off of RHCE, I suggest they contact our certification team and inquire as to why this is so.
Hi @oldbenko :)
Thanks for that information, that's excellent news! I totally agree that it makes perfect sense, it's just not what I had heard nor experienced. I'm going to check that out with the certification team and I'll post the outcome here.
If I may, do you think that OSP10-based EX310 is going to extend my OSP6-based EX210 ? EX310 is my next scheduled exam and I'm wondering.
If I may, do you think that OSP10-based EX310 is going to extend my OSP6-based EX210 ? EX310 is my next scheduled exam and I'm wondering.
Hey, @littlebigfab,
I'm afraid I have no idea - I have no experience worth mentioning with RHOSP, and I wouldn't want to tread on our cert team's lawn without being absolutely sure.
But I think @Rodolfo already answered that question in the other thread. :smileywink:
Hi @oldbenko,
The support has not gotten back to me yet, but in the meantime I've passed EX310 and it has extended my RHEL6-based RHCSA and RHCE indeed. So you were right, the RHEL version is irrelevant, which is great ! :)
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