Good morning everyone, I’m thinking about getting the RHCSA certification, but I would like to know if the exam is already available in Portuguese, and if possible, could you inform me which certifications are already available in this language?
@DanielSILVA1 RHCSA exam is available in Portuguese.
Wish you Good luck!
Please find the below certifications whch are available in Portuguese language :
EX288v412k, EX288v414k
EX294v84k, EX294v9k
@DanielSILVA1 RHCSA exam is available in Portuguese.
Wish you Good luck!
Please find the below certifications whch are available in Portuguese language :
EX288v412k, EX288v414k
EX294v84k, EX294v9k
I kindly ask for your understanding in this post, as I will write in another language to better clarify my ideas and ensure clearer communication.
Olá! @DanielSILVA1
Você consegue alterar o idioma durante a prova, mas vou escrever um pouco a minha experiência, ok?
Minha primeira prova eu selecionei o idioma em português, por receio de não compreender alguma instrução. Porém, acabei trocando para o inglês durane a prova por estar mais acostumado com os termos técnicos do curso e do manual.
Teve apenas um caso bem específico que eu troquei para o português para ter certeza que estava compreendendo corretamente o que era solicitado.
As questão são claras, objetivas e sem vocabulário rebuscado da língua inglesa.
Fique tranquilo e boa prova.
Dear @DanielSILVA1,
Even if some certifications are available in Portugese, I will strongly advisze you to write your Red Hat (or even any IT related) exam in English.
Indeed, it is the language the questions had been designed from, and so they are generally well writted in that language, and that is not always th case with the translations drawn from the original questions.
Finally, IT work is done in English.
I am a native French speaker, but I don't even "lose" time and effort reading any book or documentation not written in English.
Just my advise.
It suits me, it might not suit you or others.
@TM thanks for your honest advise. As a non native english speaker, I too agree with this.
I signed up for RedHat EX200 course two weeks ago and passed the test today with 240 marks. My experience was wonderful. Thank you so much for encouraging us and providing us with accurate study material!
@ElieSofia Many congratulations on your RHCSA achievement!
And thank you for your amazing feedback!
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