My employer offered to pay for some Red Hat courses, but I couldn't make a learning path because the courses are either retired or the page doesn't exist.
My first option would be in OpenShift.
1. DO180 Containers and Kubernetes - but EX180 now is Retired
2. DO280 OpenShift Administration - but EX280 error 404 (https://www.redhat.com/en/services/training/ex280-red-hat-certificate-expertise-platform-service-exa...)
3. DO316 OpenShift Virtualization - but EX I can't see anymore."
4. DO380 OpenShift Automation and Integration - EX380 (ok)
5. EX480 MultiCluster Management - EX480 (ok)
My second option would be in automation, but the ansible courses 407 and 447 are retired.
If the exam has been discontinued the course is outdated or undergoing. Am I right?
Is there any page where I can see the latest update of the course?
Could someone help me?
Hi @MrErlison ,
Thanks for reaching out !
Please find this link for a list of active exams ( EX180 & EX447 is recently retired) : https://www.redhat.com/en/services/certification/rhca?pfe-czikve5wr=exams check under exam tab.
Hi @MrErlison ,
Thanks for reaching out !
Please find this link for a list of active exams ( EX180 & EX447 is recently retired) : https://www.redhat.com/en/services/certification/rhca?pfe-czikve5wr=exams check under exam tab.
Just to clarify, the replacement of EX447 is EX374 (more than EX467)
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